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The story behind Health Restore

Un-learn, re-learn, re-educate to restore our health


Hi there!


I set up this page is to create a community where we can share all relevant information to help you restore your health as I have. In all honesty, I’m still in the process of restoring my health.


In this journey of life, there comes a time when we realise our own mortality. Nothing is more telling than when you lose what you had naturally – good health. If you don’t have good health, no one but no one can feel your pain or take away your aches or pacify your panic attacks.


You may be in a different stage of life’s journey depending on your age or your health status. We all have our own story.


Here’s mine.


I have had health issues from head to toe. Like all good patients, I relied on doctors but I have come to a stage where I realised that doctors as we know them, are not trained to look at the body as a whole. No holistic approach and no determined attempts to explain why or how we get afflicted by ailments or conditions. So I ended up undergoing heart surgery and battling high blood sugar, like millions of others.


Almost six years after my heart surgery, weeks before my 60th birthday, serendipity brought me to embark on a journey which I wish I had done decades earlier – I consulted a nutritional medicine practitioner.


Note he’s not a nutritionist but a nutritional medicine practitioner – one who is certified by a body recognised by the Traditional and Complementary Medicine Act 2016. More on that in a separate column.


Back to my story: I learnt a new approach to eating, diet and ingesting nutrients that are really functional in helping me regain my health. In fact, I had to un-learn, re-learn and re-educate myself on so many fundamental truths that I used to take for granted.


There’s simply too much to tell in this introduction. Suffice to say, I learnt not only what to eat but how to eat. Of course, also what not to eat but, fear not, I never go hungry and I still enjoy food. And, no, I haven’t gone vegan though a vegetarian diet is of course much better. For it to be sustainable, I am eating a whole-food diet boosted by targeted nutrients prescribed by my nutritional medicine practitioner.


The results have been phenomenal. I reduced my blood sugar’s HbA1C from 6.8 to 5.5 within 100 days and lost much of my visceral fat (the bad fat around the tummy and among internal organs). As a bonus, I lost 11kg in 100 days. More importantly, my weight has remained constant at this level for over 18 months now.


This page,, is created for me to try and create a community where we can share and discuss common health topics which are evidence-based.


From here, we have extended to organising health talks and spreading the word about eating right and identifying the correct approach for holistic health and working towards overall wellness.


Comments and enquiries are welcomed.


Let us work towards restoring our health together. Join me in my journey.

Cheers to your health!

KH Lim

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